Visualization of the Cluster-Mass Test using rayrender

A tutorial to produce 3D video of EEG cluster-mass test using rayrender

Playing with gganimate: Robust Estimation

Robust Estimation OLS is not robust to outliers. It is computed by minimizing the sum of squares of the residuals and each outlying observation has a large residual and consequently a large effect on this sum of squares. On the other hand, The M-estimators used in robust statistics (Heritier et al. 2009; Huber 1964; Maronna, Martin, and Yohai 2006) are not influenced by outlying data. Huber (1964) proposed to minimize functions which are less influenced by outliers rather than the sum of squares.

Galton Board using gganimate

The Galton board The Galton Board is the famous device that simulates central limit theorem. Here is an animation using the gganimate package of this device. Here is the script to reproduce the example.

Full Scalp Cluster-Mass Test for EEG

This tutorial reproduces the analysis in Cheval et al. (2018) . The first chapter explains how to get the EEG data from zenodo. The second chapter is split into two parts. First, the graph of adjacency of electrodes is created based on the coordinates of electrodes, then the test is computed using clustergraph in the second part. Clustergraph was developed to analyse this dataset and was not tested with other data.

EEG Data Analysis with the Permuco Package

A brief tutorial to perform EEG analysis in R with the permuco package.